The Packaging Process varies from area to area. A good example is Europe to North America. The most popular package in North America is skeins or hanks: In Europe however 50g, 100g, or 150g balls are most popular. We have many “Buy and Dye” clients around the world using our Skeinwinders , Conewinders , and Skein Swifts to create unique, one of a kind yarns.
Skein to Skein Winder
Ball Winder
Skein Winder
Cone Winder
Hank Twister

skein to skein winder
The skein swift is meant for repackaging and is meant to be used in addition to the skein winder, it can be adjusted for any size skein. Skein swift comes in a Single Double or quad sizes.

During the steaming process the plyed yarn is drawn through the steamer by either the Cone Winder or Skein Winder. While under slight tension the yarn is pulled through a steam chamber and then a drying tube. This process sets the twist. Any tensions that are placed into the yarn during the spinning or plying processes are evened out during steaming.

Ball Winder
The B.M.M. Ball Winder creates center-pull balls of finished yarn. Size and style of the finished ball, tension of the yarn, and the lay pattern of the yarn are all adjustable. The finished balls ship and display very well.

Skein Winder
The B.M.M. Skein Winder produces a two-yard or a one and a one half yard skein, each side having its own precision counter. Yarn processed by the skein winder is metered and wound into skeins. The speed at which the skein is built, tension at which the yarn is applied and length of yarn on each skein can be a preset. The skein winder automatically stops when the desired yard or meter count is reached. Also shown in the pictures is the B.M.M. Skein Swift, which is designed to be completely adjustable, to hold commercial hanks, and can be wound directly onto the B.M.M. Skein Winder. This would be excellent for dyeing, or hand painting yarn.

Cone Winder
Yarn passed through the B.M.M. Cone Winder is metered, waxed if desired, and wound on cones. Waxing is usually used for yarns to be further machine processed. The speed at which the cone is built, tension at which the yarn is applied and length of yarn on each cone in yards or meters can be preset. The Cone Winder automatically stops when the desired amount of yarn has been wound or a breakout occurs. For the best results the cone winder should be paired with the steamer which sets the twist in the yarn.

Hank Twister
The Hank Twister makes spun product into a coiled skein. Operated by a pedal at the base of the machine. The Counter on the display allows the user to set the twist of each hank. The Hank Twister can be a stand-alone machine or incorporated into the Skeinwinder.