Specialty Section
Belfast Minimills Prototypes, Develops and manufactures many machines that stand on their own or as additions to any textile mill. We can develop Specialty equipment to meet your unique requirements.

The B.M.M. Felt Maker creates a 36” x 48” felt pad in minutes. The firmness and thickness are user variable. Uses and designs for felt products are only limited only by ones imagination. A great way to use up coarser fibers and processing waste. This machine can operate as a stand alone unit but is most often found in a Mini Mill configuration.

The B.M.M. Tumbler is designed as a mechanical skirting aide. It tumbles the fiber, allowing dirt, vegetation, shorts, and guard hair to be released from the fibers. The Tumbler can be used either pre or post washing and is a great addition to any fiber mill. It is also a big asset to fiber producers. Tumbling your fleeces on your farm will save you money in shipping and add quality to the end product.

Rug Yarn Maker
The B.M.M. Rug Yarn Maker is designed to create a core yarn at the Carding stage. A “core yarn” is simply a core material wrapped tightly with fiber of your choice. The core ensures durability and longevity and gives mats and rugs the required wieght to lay on the floor. This machine is capable of making quality rug yarn from lower grades of fiber. Fiber artists are knitting, crocheting, braiding, and weaving with these yarns. It is also capable of creating coreless lopi yarns. This machine can also be used in conjunction with any “other” make of fiber processing equipment.

Fibre Separator
The BMML Fibre Separator was developed specifically for dual coat fibres. We quickly discovered that most fibres benefit from being processed through either the large fibre separator (Dual coats) or the small fibre separator(single coat).
In both cases, the separator removes all types of contamination and opens fibre for further processing.

Dye Vat
Belfast Mini-Mills Ltd. special dyeing station. Fueled by its own electric, circulating heating system, this machine incorporates a 50-gallon vat with a removable draining basket. An electric swivel winch is installed making it easy to handle large batches of fiber. This unit is all stainless steel construction.

Free Standing Roving Deck
The free-standing roving deck is designed to work with other makes and models of equipment (as well as BMM) in order to produce roving. Other options are available to the roving deck which allows for much thicker roving to be produced, often referred to as ‘Hand knitters Roving’ which is a great product for artisans.